Monday, October 21, 2013

Each heart has some pain

In this world ........
Each heart has some pain...
Simply it differs by the way of expression
Some hide it… their eyes
some hide it……in their smiles!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Better to stay alone

Sometimes better to say alone…
Because no one have hurt you when you staying alone
That’s why better to be stay alone!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Don’t wait

Don’t wait too late
To propose your love
To your much-loved one
 How much you love and feel them.
Because if you lose them
You have No stuff will feel that pain
 And your heart will cry loudly
No one won’t listening you
So don’t wait too late
To showing your true love
To your beloved one!!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Heart

You are staying in my heart always….
I got all joy happiness in my life with your love
Every moment I am thinking about you
I felt that ache when I’m missing you
When you are staying with me
My inspiration makes me bold and strong
So please never will go without me
And keep staying in my heart always!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Don’t let go yourself

Don’t let go yourself gets angry …
It results…. Make worse your beloved
And your love will end
When you will be wake up from your anger…..
Your beloved one will be gone!
So don’t get angry always and care your dear one forever!!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Value for that some one

In our life waiting for someone
Is a sign of true love and patience.
Anyone can say I love you to beloved one,
But  no one can’t wait for that someone
to  proving that true love and value for that someone!!!  

Pure Love

Pure love Likes a….
Honey of a blossom flower
Buzzing of bumble bee
Warm like ray of morning sunshine
Thoughts in my mind
Breath of my life
Smile on my lips
Twinkle of my eyes
Beat of my heart...
Till my end of that day in my life!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fear to Love

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Love More

No one can born in this World
True and perfect always!
If you ignore or hate people
For  some silly and simple mistakes
You will be always live alone in this world.
So forgive mistakes and love more!!!