Once a cute couple lived blissfully made for each other and couldn’t live without each others. After some days twisted sour lives both make fight for little silly things and don’t like way of life changed. It was that day anniversary so she is waiting to see her hubby remembered or not. After a few seconds the door bell rang and she ran away to find who? She got surprise to see her hubby charming with bunch of fragrance flowers in his hand. He gave that flower bunch to her and proposed his unbounded love with warm hug.
Their pleasant moments taken no time to pass away when she got ring in her mobile by a man from Police station. The man told her
there was an accident and a man died we got your number from his wallet. That’s
why we make call need you to come and identify his body. She shocked and her
heat beat sank!!! She replied to than man hello sir my hubby is here with me
now then how telling like this? The man told sorry madam the accident met at 4
pm while he was boarding the train. She is speech less and loses her consciousness.
She had think about herself soul of
her hubby came to meet before it leaves that world so she hurriedly ran into
her room. She was afraid because he was
not there. She left from that room and cried loudly drop on the floor with lot
of pains. She thought lose her lovable hubby forever.
At that moment she here that noise
from bathroom the door opened and her hubby came out and said dear I forgot to
tell one thing from you my wallet stolen by someone today. She was speechless got tears from her eyes
closely cuddling her lovely hubby!!!
Life is great gift for all don’t miss
your chance to live joyful with your beloved ones. So never scatter a moment
for Care Your Dear Ones Always!!!!